Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Message from Kurt

Today (Monday) was the first day of work on the Nyakato Eye Clinic and things went great! We were able to install all of the perimeter base plate put up for the walls, get a ton of stuff cut for the remaining walls, and we finished the main entrance wall (50 feet wide with a big door and lots of windows).

We will stand the wall up the first thing in the morning on Tuesday. We were also able to dig the trusses out of the shipping container, and we will start putting those together on Tuesday too.

The Atonement Lutheran Church volunteers on this trip are amazing. They happily take on the jobs assigned to them, and if they don't have enough to do, they'll go look for something else that needs to be done. They work with such enthusiasm that is is hard to make plans that ensure they have enough to do.

It's also nice to see a 16 year old working side by side with someone who is retired and 45 years their senior.

Kurt is one of our construction leaders and he and the others have been doing a magnificent job in working with Denny and all of us to make sure we all understand what we are doing and why. Their organization and leadership has made this a very fun and fruitful project. We are all so blessed to be here.

Kurt also wishes a big "Happy Birthday to Sammy!"


  1. Looking good. Wish we were there. Ken & Jane from Newton

  2. Amazing progress. Cannot wait for the next update!
