Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Laundry Facility Needed at Nyakato Clinic

The laundry is currently done by hand for the hostel and clinic at Nyakato. Some of the laundry is done at the clinic and some done outside Lucy's home - and then everything is hung on lines outside to dry.

This is the way they have always washed clothes on the Nyakato campus but it will not do for a hospital.

The Patricia Ward is basically completed, the Birthing Center will be completed soon and then the Eye Clinic, too - however, they cannot open any of these buildings to provide care until a laundry facility is completed. The pad is poured - they just need donations to complete it.

I feel it is important we get this message out! I have a new understanding of the people associated with the Nyakato Health Center. Every day they do so much with so little and they have such a positive attitude. It was a blessing to be able to work with them!


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