Pastor Francis Gunda and his wife Sarah joined us for Sunday breakfast and worship on Sunday morning. Pastor Gunda visited Atonement this past fall with Paula and Denny. He pastors the Kiloleli Lutheran Church here in Mwanza, and has also served as the Bishop's Assistant here in the Lake Victoria Diocese.

As we entered the church the pastor greeted us coming up the steps.

The service was in Swahili so while the pastor preached Pastor Gunda interpreted in English for us.

Our team was invited to come to the front and introduce ourselves, after that we sang a couple of hymns, Beautiful Savior and Holy, Holy, Holy. Good thing we have a few members of the Atonement choir with us.

The service was interspersed with several songs where a group was in the front lead the singing and also danced along to the songs.

A group of kids outside the church after the service.
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