The chocolates are available at the Tanzania table during the weekend services - if you stop by the church during the week ask at the office about the Fair Trade cart and the Divine Chocolates.
There are an assortment of sizes and varieties of the Divine Chocolates including the small boxed chocolates shown above. These cute little handmade boxes contain 3 bite size Divine Dark Chocolates and are $1 each (or 6 for $5). They are available at the Fair Trade cart and are also available by making your request in a comment below this post or by sending an email to kwalbe1@earthlink.net

The Divine Chocolate company strives to:
Make a quality and affordable range of Fair Trade chocolate bars accessible to chocolate lovers everywhere.
Raise awareness of Fair Trade issues among retailers and consumers of all age groups.
Be highly visible and vocal in the chocolate sector and thereby act as a catalyst for change.
What is Fair Trade?
Fair Trade aims to build dignified trading relationships between consumers in the North and producers in developing countries. This involves changing the way that conventional international trade works, so that:
Producers receive a guaranteed price for their goods, and the security of long-term trading contracts
Producers benefit from guaranteed minimum health and safety conditions.
Producers, their workplace and the environment are not exploited.
Strong democratic businesses with real participation develop.
Leadership development with gender equity is fostered.
Education and training opportunities for producers, especially women, are actively promoted.
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