Mwanza is a city in northwest Tanzania and a southern port of Lake Victoria. It is the capital of Mwanza Region and of the ethnic region Basukuma [English: Sukumaland]. According to a 2002 census, the population was 378,327, and Mwanza is the second largest city in Tanzania, after Dar es Salaam.

The city deals with much of the lake trade with neighbouring Uganda and Kenya. Industries include fishing, meatpacking, and manufacturing textiles, Arts and soap. Mwanza is connected by rail with Dar es Salaam and Dodoma. To the South, a road connects Mwanza to Shinyanga and Singida and progress has been made to pave it. To the East, Mwanza is connected to the Western Gate of the Serengeti and Musoma via tarmac road.
Good information,,, love it,, i wolud like to start a small Bizness there, what my probabilities